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6000 ans d'art rupestre saharien

Thousands of years ago, the Sahara enjoyed a much kinder climate than today and rock art paintings reflect this luxuriance on the walls of innumerable Saharan caves. Sheltered under rocks, huddled amid erratic blocks, on stones polished by ice or lashed by storms, the Neolithic artists of the Sahara faithfully reproduced what they saw or remembered. Their work forms an astonishing encyclopedia of animals, from powerful predators to pelicans. Daily activities of human life –hunting and toiling– are charted in detail. The images of this book, carefully reproduced in the smoothness of their natural lighting, recount the story of the Sahara, clearly depicting its transition from lush grass to golden but sterile sand. Tikatoutine is a profound and startling testimony of the Saharan world six thousand years before the Christian era. Through a selection of breathtaking landscape panoramas inserted throughout the book, Alain Sèbe also pays attention to the dramatic environment of the caves and restitutes the grandeur of the Algerian Sahara.
  Available in French (Alain Sèbe Images, Vidauban) and in German (Schillinger verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau).
216 pp., 33 x 33 cm (13 x 13 in), 130 colour photographs, out of which 71 reproduced full-size, featuring rock art paintings and landscapes, 24 duotone, out of which 12 full-size, dedicated to the engravings of Wadi Djerat, 5 maps, introductory text (in French) about rock art painting, comprehensive captions. € 53.00
          Sahara rock art painting desert tassili jabbaren tikatoutine